In the past week I have:
- Cleaned a house. Properly. Furniture has been moved. Dado rails sparkle. The oven even looks rather impressive - on the inside.
- Delivered a full, large car load of clothes, toys and books to Salvation Army.
- Delivered another full, large car load of junk to the recycling centre.
- Cut back my garden and thanked the good Lord that some neighbours had hired a skip that day which they were struggling to fill. Good neighbour that I am, I was able to help.
- Collected boxes from our removal company which is in a Clydebank industrial estate - a drive which took around 45 minutes each way.
- Got Bambi's glasses fixed (again).
- Gone to the Richard Long exhibition in Edinburgh. (Stunning in its simplicity and beauty. Why couldn't I have thought of creating giant mud murals first!?)
- Gone back to Edinburgh for the first day of the festival. Bambi particularly enjoyed the street performers and the Warhol exhibition.
- Written a piece about the Warhol exhibition for Topblogmag (out on Monday).
And slept. And eaten. And swum 5 kms. And stuff.
But the blogging is definitely suffering in the build up to the move. I have been visiting many of my favourites but can't seem to actually structure anything to post here. I'm sorry.

In direct contrast to my 'frequent to irregular' posting habits, is this weeks awardee, Sparx, writer of Notes from Inside my Head who has recently gone from being a 'once a week' blogger to one of the 'almost every day' variety. I thought she should know how grateful I am for her Spud-inspired missives as I plough through two years' worth of cleaning and sorting.
Sparx writes predominantly about her son, Charlie, also affectionately known as 'the Spud'. In fact, motherhood is all she writes about. I have not seen her digress into politics, social development or environmental issues - except insofar as they effect the Spud. This is a focused woman. She does work, but as this has never been given more attention than an executive diary entry, I can only assume that her job allows her to spend time in an office somewhere thinking of her boy.
I am a mom and, having got through two and a half years of nappies, occasional sleep deprivation, illnesses, crawling, toddler travel, weaning and so on, I am astounded at how much I enjoy reliving it. But then it is retold in quite the most consistently entertaining manner by Sparx. Thank you so much for keeping me in laughter.
I just can't wait for toilet training...
And I thought I was busy!! I know how it is; to move, pack, clean AND take care of the babe, cook and all that other daily stuff. You have my admiration and respect!
You couldn't have awarded a better Blogger-- Sparx! Another one of my daily reads along with yours!
Hi Jenny. So glad you agree with this week's choice. But please no admiration or respect just yet. If we are settled in nairobi by October let the accolades begin!
YAY! brilliant choice - Sparx rocks!
I completely agree Elsie - I think we discovered her blog the same way - through the Blogger website. Haven't found another there I've enjoyed so much since...
Wow. that's quite a week. and I loved Bambi's warhol work. how lovely. and what a lovely thing to have done with her. cram in the culture. before Africa. different sort here, but one does miss the whole art theatre book stuff a bit ... remember to chill and enjoy your wee scottish home too though, in your final weeks before leaving.
Thanks Mem - glad you enjoyed our artistic pursuits. We are really enjoying our last few weeks here - have a lot planned. To the point where it suddenly all feels like a holiday...
TGW!! Firstly, how DO YOU DO IT??? Man, that's a full day.
Secondly I'm SO THRILLED that you've thought of me, thank you so much. Your other choices have absolutely rocked and I'm really pleased to be included! You've made my week. Heck with it, my month. I'm also looking forward enormously to your blog relocation... but only once the stress of it all has settled down.
Hi Sparx! It was a WEEK not a day - I really (truly!) am not Superwoman. But am a bit busy.
I'm so glad you like the award - I really do enjoy your blog. As far as blog relocation goes...well...more news later this week.
Thank you for the tips about Richard Long - mud murals! - and the Warhol. The National Gallery looks rather good with cans of Warhol soup wrapped round it. I haven't come across Notes from Inside My Head before, and love finding new blogs. I will head over there shortly. Good luck with the rest of the move. Sounds like you are being very well-organised.
Thanks Mother at Large. Go to the exhibitions - they're really great. And this weekend also reminded me how much I like Edinburgh - beautiful city you live in.
I'm surprised you haven't discovered Sparx yet - and I'm sure it's the start of a beautiful friendship...
I have to go lie down now. I am tired from just reading your list of what you have done!
Excellent choice with Sparx. I agree.
Keep breathing.
Thank Lady M. Breathing is always good!
To the "Good Woman"...
This is Sparx's Dad - the Spud's Grandad....
Thanks for recognising Sparx - we live in Canada and enjoy so much reading about the Spud, as we do not get the chance to see him much.
Good luck in your move, you are a brave and thoughful person.
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