Annie over at Blooming Marvelous liked me enough to give me a gift. An Award! My first!
I'd like to thank.... well, I'd like to thank Annie I suppose.
It's not an award that involves voting or monetary gain but is, rather, a simple thumbs up from a fellow blogger. I think 'form' dictates that I pass the award on to other bloggers who I really enjoy, which is easier than nominating fellow bloggers for tags - in doing that I always worry that they'll just get cheesed off and stop visiting.
But here's the thing. Annie's post (and, by extention this award) came on a day I was feeling pretty low - a bit worried about the move, a touch self-critical about my time in Scotland, the beginnings of the sense of loss associated with any move beginning to creep in. It arrived on a day I needed approval. And let's face it we all have those days.
So I've decided not to give any awards today. (Stick with me here). Rather, I'm going to nominate a Rocking Blogger each weekend (cunningly allowing myself research time for when I've run through those I already know and love). You never know, I might make a few people's days along the way...
And thanks again Annie!
I ADORE stories like that. A pat on the head coming along just when you need it. Well done Annie, and well done YOU! You do rock!
Very cool! What a nice surprise for you on a "blue" day.
ah, congratulations. i'm happy for you!
isn't how great how these things often happen when we need them the most?
and good for annie. i've been reading you for awhile now. if only i'd known there was an award i could give you....
Glad it brightened your day! (Brightening a day in Scotland is no mean feat - I know!)
Look towards better days (and warmer ones) ahead.
Yay Good Woman!! I always knew you rocked!
If I may ask... I was awarded one of those and I can't for the life of me figure out how to post the badge... I was told to copy and paste it, but it isnt working for me. How did you do it?
Well done. But don't be sad. You're a great story teller, you are clearly a wonderful mother (I can just tell - anybody who laughs at themselves is a good mother) and you entertain heaps of us with your funny/moving/generally spirit-lifting writing. Don't over anyalse and don't worry about your move; it will be easier than you think; anticipation is always, always worse than reality: think of visits to the dentist? Have a wonderful weekend.
Well done! We all need approval sometimes and it was well deserved.
Your blogs are always good to read and you deserve to get an award. It's so lovely when we get something nice unexpectedly. Enjoy your weekend.
Crystal x
Oh please don't be self-critical of your time in Scotland. You approach it with such gentle amusement, and you have clearly fallen in love with the countryside and the people, while retaining a humorous eye. It is totally normal to be wobbly when contemplating such a huge move. Don't be hard on yourself, and well done on the award.
Tahnks to eall of you - for the congratualtions but mostly for all the kind words. I'm feeling better about the move now.
And clearly I cannot type anymore - a bit shaken by the events of today I think.
And Jenny. You need to right click on the icon, save it as a picture and then insert it as a picture into your post (and after the jam making lesson I know you know how to do that!)
I think we all need a boost sometimes. Well done! You are cordially invited to pop over to Dominica in the West Indies and visit my blog home...
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