I'm not very interesting really. The first time I got tagged I was flattered and had a clean slate to work from so made it through my list without revealing too much about my rather dull existence. But now I've been tagged again, by Theresa.
The first eight were tough enough, so this could get very boring. Feel free to move on.
- My Good Man is allergic to alcohol. I loudly expound on the ills of drunk driving while he chauffeurs me home after one too many.
- I grew up next door to a gynaecologist. When I was seven, his twelve year old son took it upon himself to educate me - in the textbook sense. His father's tomes about the female functions were explained in full. There is such a thing as too much information. However, one connection was made abundantly clear - sex means babies. I never had a problem saying 'no' and Bambi was very well planned.
- I nearly got arrested in Germany for breaking into my High School to throw a party. It was an annual tradition that I got a bit too caught up in as I was the only one who could figure out how to remove the hinges from the doors to get us in. Fortunately, the police recognised that it was a pretty pointless thing to get too excited about and that, really, all should be more concerned about students breaking out of school. But, man were we ever considered cool the next day in class!
- I paint, but only in oils. Watercolours require too much commitment.
- My favourite African animal is the leopard. I've got to be pretty good at spotting them in the bush. They're easiest to spot when reclining in trees. Their tails hang down vertically - nothing else in the bush is so straight and so vertical.
- My favourite Scottish animal is the Highland Cow. So hairy and forlorn. And they don't move very fast so are easy to spot.
- When I was thirteen I made a cake tin full of chocolates to be distributed to guests on Christmas Day. We were celebrating in Hermanus, an hour and a half away. I left a few days early with my parents but it was scorching hot and the chocolates wouldn't have made the journey, so I left them with my older brother to bring along on Christmas day. He arrived having eaten all but six of the chocolates. My revenge has been telling this story to all mutual acquaintances since.
- I get fairly emotional whenever I hear children sing, but the African Children's Choir reduce me to tears every time.
I need more blog friends (blogends?) as I don't know who to nominate to carry this tag on. If you'd like to nominate yourself please respond in the comments and I'll make it official.
Questions anyone?PS Nominees (so far) are:
Aminah (hello new friend!)
Highland cows are my favourite Scottish animals too, although I'm still hoping to spot a Scottish wildcat someday.
I could do it next week if you fancy. My home PC is broken at the moment and I am on my dad's for a short time at the moment. I probably won't be on again until Tuesday.
I beg to differ! You are fascinating!! I love your insights on living in Scotland, a place my Hubby was stationed at for a while during his stint in the Navy and he always talks about it. It's nice to hear a female point of view!
Painting! I've always wanted to try that, but I am afraid it will end up looking like chicken scratch. Take a picture of one and post it for us to see??? Pretty please??
ME!!!! Me!!! I am still trying to figure out what to write for the last tag I got...help
Hi Katie - Share your love of cats but I especially like mine large and spotty! Noticed you didn't do the tag last time so I've nominated you again...you can run but you can't hide!
And Gwen and Aminah - you're it(s) too.
Hey Jenny. I don't paint all that much at the moment, the combination of oil paint, turps and toddler not being a merry mix. But I'll think about posting a photo next time I do get it all together...
good list! I love the Highland cows, we share the same hair color and often the same style! I do think I can move faster.
I'm with Jenny let's see some of your painting. Come on then.
When, when, when do we get to share THE GOOD NEWS. I am not good at waiting you know this.
Ah, Lady M. Now that would be telling...
Although, frustratingly, the news has got better but further from final - ie longer until all will be revealed. Heck, if I wasn't me, I would be hating me right now.
I will do the tag, I promise!
I'll get my thinking cap on now and will post my list in a couple of days time. I have just finished my review of the concert I went to at the weekend and have just posted it.
Well, aren't you lucky to always have a designated driver ;)
Great list!
Oh very! Very good planning, I say!
I have now done the deed. Thanks for tagging me.
I used to be allergic to alcohol. Have never heard of anyone else that had a similar issue.....
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