Bambi's life has turned into a rotational chart filling extravaganza. It all started with the No-accidents-for-ten-days-and-you-get-a-doll Chart (my erstwhile sensibilities about bribery now being but a vague memory). It took the form of ten little raindrops (at least that's what we told visitors they were), one to be coloured in each dry day. Dry trousers that is, not dry weather, or Bambi would still be doll free.
Then the Good Man started travelling and, as proof that it is possible to buy forgiveness, we invented the Six-sleeps-till-daddy-comes-home-with-a-dress Chart (a little clothes rack), and the Eight-sleeps-till-daddy-gets-home-with-biltong Chart (wee cows), and the Three-sleeps-till-daddy-gets-home-with-fancy-chocolates Chart (teddy bears - not sure why).
But now we are on the final hurdle of an extra special chart. It is one more sleep until Granny arrives. It shows nine balloons - I didn't think Bambi could handle a longer countdown although I've been secretly counting down for much longer. The significance of the balloons is merely avoidance - I hate flying and can't face thinking of people I care about on aeroplanes either. I can just about deal with an image of my mother clutching a bunch of balloons as she traverses the African continent.
And she's bringing biltong.
oh goody!
I highly enjoy your writing. It's become a morning ritual of mine to visit your blog, please do keep it up! Hugs from us to you all, and especially to 'Bambi' A =)
What's a Biltong?
Hi Anja
Ritualistic blog reading??? Aren't you meant to be packing?
Gwen, if you're vegetarian, best to just leave this one alone. If not, see my earlier post called The Good Man Returns...
Sorry Gwen, make that SA DNA! It was a different trip and they do all start to run into one another eventually...
I remember chart days. I always preferred to call it "earning a reward" rather than "bribery". Perhaps a bit self delusional, but it made me feel better.
Well, they are technically called reward charts, but you know, potato/potahtoe!
Oh goody indeed. Have a wonderful visit.
Oh, I love making charts...their more for me than the kids ;)
Enjoy your visit!
Thanks - Mom just phoned from Cape Town airport. So it seems she's looking forward to being here too!
Enjoy the visit from your mom.. I LOVE when mine comes to visit!
I tried the chart thing with my girlies-- they havent worked. But, I think I'll try the balloon one and use it towards dry undies and see if that will work.
Certainly the countdown charts are more fun than the one's that actually require effort on the part of the toddler!
I had a look at the post. I'm not vegetarian and it looks quite interesting. Quite what I'd do if presented with some would, however, be quite another thing.
This is awesome!
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