My beautiful daughter has just completed a growth spurt. Actually, she may still be mid-spurt but this does not bear thinking about. I cannot afford to go another round at Next until October. I am tall, her father is tall. She's well on her way.
Unfortunately for her about 80% of this growth has taken place in her legs. She's having a bit of trouble figuring out what to do with an extra inch on each appendage. From where I'm standing, though, the results are just too adorable to express.
'She looks a bit like Bambi on the ice,' observed my friend Janet the other day. Which, of course, means she will grow into an elegant gazelle. One day. But please not too soon thanks. I know that looking like roadrunner when you pick up speed might cause a few issues in high school, but at the moment she seems quite pleased to be keeping me in exuberant laughter. We laugh together.
Her blog name, however, has to change. Henceforth the wee 'un will be known as Bambi.
Anyway, with the rain back again I took my own advice and visited some of Glasgow's great indoor sights this weekend. The highlight was watching Bambi serenading Elvis at Kelvingrove. He seemed to quite enjoy her rendition of twinkle, twinkle.
Her blog name, however, has to change. Henceforth the wee 'un will be known as Bambi.
Anyway, with the rain back again I took my own advice and visited some of Glasgow's great indoor sights this weekend. The highlight was watching Bambi serenading Elvis at Kelvingrove. He seemed to quite enjoy her rendition of twinkle, twinkle.
That's a great picture. Regards to you and Bambi. I'm sure she will be setting up her own blog soon.
The photograph leaves me quite speechless.
I love Bambi's stance. I was one of those children, all legs and awkward for years. She will be glad the first time some handsome young chappy calls her "legs". You of course will be pleased and terrified by turns.
My baby has rescued yet another cat that she is bringing home from Fez in a basket! You can look forward to a lifetime of entertainment!
Bambi looks just precious! It wont be long before she starts dancing like Elvis, "Thankyouverymuch!"
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