Friday, 25 May 2007

Bambi's new glasses

Mommy, I think my glasses make me very big.

And beautiful.

And clever.

And, in fact, I think they make me very adorable.

Yes dear, but they're doing nothing for your modesty.

What shall we do when the novelty wears off!


Kim said...

Bambi is lovely. Love those curls and her big smile.

lady macleod said...

I am in total agreement with Bambi - sooo adorable.

My opinion (I rarely give advice) as the mother of a daughter who wears glasses, get a back up pair, NOW.

Kudos to you that she has that positive attitude regarding her glasses.

The Good Woman said...

Oh, Kaycie! I have to agree!

And Lady M, I have been told that bulk buying may be the way to go, especially if we....oh, wait, that's still a secret....

lady macleod said...

I have it! You're coming to see ME, right?

The Good Woman said...

Oh Lady M, you have me. Your missives from Morrocco have proven irresistable...

Gwen said...

Oh she is so cute. I'm so glad that she sees her glasses in a positive light. Long may it continue. I have had to wear glasses wince I was 7 years old and at that age the idea of glasses was not particularly positive for me although I don't think about it now.